About Us

For over two decades, Rabbi Meir Ellituv has dedicated himself to bringing the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to life, inspiring individuals and communities within the Chabad movement and beyond. Rabbi Ellituv passionately believes that the Rebbe’s Torah is a transformative masterpiece—renowned for its depth, clarity, and ability to illuminate every aspect of Torah study.

Driven by this vision, Rabbi Ellituv has made it his life’s mission to make these teachings accessible to all, ensuring they find their place in homes, yeshivot, and communities worldwide. His extensive publications and books can be found in nearly every Chabad library.

Da’atan Alech Bava Kama
In his first book, Da’atan Alech Bava Kama, Rabbi Ellituv demonstrates how the Rebbe’s explanation of the conclusion of Tractate Bava Kama (Hadran) serves as a foundational principle for understanding the entire tractate. This groundbreaking approach highlights the Rebbe’s unique ability to find unifying themes that connect seemingly unrelated topics.

Mishnato Shel HaRebbe MiLubavitch
In 2012, Rabbi Ellituv published Mishnato Shel HaRebbe MiLubavitch (The Teachings of the Rebbe of Lubavitch), a profound exploration of the Rebbe’s unique approach to Torah study. This monumental work spans topics ranging from Rashi’s commentary on the Chumash to the Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi, Halacha, Aggada, the revealed and mystical dimensions of Torah, the Rambam’s teachings, and beyond.

Key Features of Mishnato Shel HaRebbe MiLubavitch:

  1. A thorough analysis of pivotal Torah themes that the Rebbe revolutionized, offering a deeper understanding of his innovative and nuanced approach. The book reveals subtle insights that are buried deep within the words of his teachings.
  2. A vivid portrait of the Rebbe’s extraordinary character and vision, brought to life through the lens of his Torah contributions.

The book also includes a fascinating analysis of the final private audience (yechidus) between the Rebbe and the late Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, ob”m. Rabbi Elituv shows that this meeting was essentially a halachic deliberation aimed at rendering a verdict demanding Hashem send Moshiach immediately. In this profound encounter, the Rebbe, as the Nassi (leader of the generation), calls for the immediate and unconditional arrival of Moshiach. Rabbi Eliyahu, acting as a Dayan (halachic judge) at the Rebbe’s request, carefully considers the arguments and ultimately passes that verdict.

Pardes HaMelech – The Rambam Reimagined
In recent years, Rabbi Ellituv has focused on curating and disseminating the Rebbe’s insights on the Rambam. This effort culminated in ‘Pardes HaMelech’, a beautifully designed set in Hebrew featuring over 2,000 explanations and teachings by the Rebbe. Two years later, Rabbi Alituv expanded this project into a 14-volume English edition.

Recently, he launched a new initiative, Machshevet HaRambam, a synthesis of Pardes HaMelech, and Rambam HaMevuar Hmevuar which explains the Rambam in concise and clear manner (Chitrik Edition Co-edited by Rabbi Tzvi Wilhelm). This work is available at Rambam-yomy.com.

Acherim Omrim
Rabbi Ellituv’s most recent work, Acherim Omrim, explores the Rebbe’s groundbreaking insight shared on Yud Tes Kislev 5732 (1971). In this insight, the Rebbe explains why the Tanna Rabbi Meir is occasionally referred to as Acherim (“others”).

The book meticulously uncovers how the Rebbe’s explanation resonates throughout the Talmud, revealing a consistent and profound pattern in every instance where the term Acherim appears.